Everything that could be done to make this property one of the most eco-friendly in Utah has been done. While the property is tied in with power from Rocky Mountain Power the owner chose to include solar power systems to harness energy from the sun. The property enjoys a large grid tie solar system that is approximately […]

Welcome to The Grand Metropolitan
The Grand Metropolitan is a stunning 7000 square foot estate perched on one of the highest street above downtown Salt Lake City. This mountaintop contemporary mansion boasts 300 degree views of the entire Salt Lake Valley and the foot hills behind the house create spectacular views. This luxurious property is just 5 minutes access to […]

Living Room
Dining Each formal dining area is equipped with seating for eight with high end furniture and elongated dining tables. Fantastic attention to detail and amazing backdrops allow one to feel like royalty while enjoying meals.

Living Room
Nullam at nulla bibendum purus pretium tempor. Proin at dolor a nisl interdum laoreet. Fusce a sem sapien. Curabitur eget purus nec nibh congue scelerisque in eu odio. Nulla ultrices pretium sapien, vel hendrerit turpis pharetra eu. Quisque arcu magna, interdum feugiat pharetra quis, vehicula at velit. Nulla auctor quam nec neque imperdiet mollis. Nam […]